How to lose a break dance battle from a kid?! At the end the kid does some jaw dropping twisting moves. Insane! Must see

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Amazing skills. Trance on guitar takes a while to place it under the Trance genre but once you listened carefully it’s definitely an extraordinary song.

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This is what happens when you invite the wrong person to fill in for your ill drummer

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This bob marley baby has a particular choice of music.

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Forget Idols, Xfactor and other shows. Man with talent is definitely the new hype. Please check out the preview.

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A friend attended us on this south African street rap band. The music is inspired by Cape town’s fast and furious mini-bus taxi’s that you can hear coming from far away with their HEAVY Bass sound!

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I’ve seen a lot of video’s but this one surely beats everything! How did they do this? The timing of all the balls and the alignment of the instruments must have been a huge task.

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Wondering how a giant would play drums? Check this clip and find out. I wonder what it looks like if this giant and his friends form a band.

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The Reactable is a revolutionary new electronic musical instrument designed to create and perform the music of today and tomorrow. It combines state of the art technologies with a simple and intuitive design, which enables musicians to experiment with sound, change its structure, control its parameters and be creative in a direct and refreshing way, […]

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Aiiight! Love the Jungle beats, too bad most of the times the drummer gets replaced for a 170-180 bpm drum machine. That is what this guy probably thought and worked on it! Way cool…. Booyakasha! Check yourself before you wreck yourself! RESTECP! 😉

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